Pramod and Madhurani Prabhulkar’s film ‘Youthtube’ to release soon!

Pramod and Madhurani Prabhulkar’s film ‘Youthtube’ to release soon!

Some film makers make films with passion. And this passion gives a different high to their cinema. The maker of hit films like ‘God Gupit’, ‘Mananiy Mukhyamantri Ganpyaa Gavde’, ‘Sunder Majhe Ghar’, Pramod Prabhulkar is back in action with his new film ‘Youthtube’ scheduled to release on February 1. Any medium it may be there should be a cultural exchange of thoughts and opinions. And this has to continue in every form of the medium.  New artistes, new technicians come to the fore and this gives a medium for their new creativity.

In the wake of such thoughts Pramod and Madhurani Prabhulkar started their ‘Miracles Acting Academy’. And many new working talented artistes have been trained from this acting academy and Pramod and Madhurani have backed all of them to the hilt. In their new film ‘Youthtube’ also 300 new artistes from their academy feature in the film and this is happening for the first time in the field of entertainment. And today twitter and Facebook and Whatsapp have given us so many new friends and are a part of our daily lives. Today we don’t know how many people express themselves to their families but social media is always the favored medium of expression for them. But this has diminished their power of rational thinking and no dialogue happens among many people and many families.  

This film deals with this pertinent issue. Speaking about his new film Pramod Prabhulkar says, “ You have to be honest to your subject while handling it and you should know it beforehand how to make the film you are making.Then you will be able to reach out to your audiences with your subject very easily .The audiences will get to see a well crafted film in my ‘YOUTHTUBE,’they will be happy as an audience”.