Musical Episode Of Nakushi


Musical Episode Of Nakushi

Nakushi a new serial on Star Pravah has won heart of million peoples in short time span. Now its great news for Nakushii lovers, because Naakushi brings us a Musical Episode on 08 November. This is for first time on television history to show a musical episode.

The serial is on most important stage. Because Naakushi promises her father that she will not fall in love but she unable to handle her situation and she falls in love breaking the oath. So this episode is a lovely journey of Nakushi.

This musical episode is shooted at Kaas Pathar and Wai Regions near to Satara. The episode will be telecasted on 08 November 2016 on Star Pravah and Star Pravah HD at 07:00pm, don’t miss to watch it.

हि बातमी मराठी मध्ये वाचण्यासाठी येथे क्लिक करा ….