New Direction To Life – Lalbaughchi Rani Coming Soon

New Direction To Life : Lalbaughchi Rani Coming Soon

New Direction To Life : Lalbaughchi Rani Coming Soon

Debut director of Tapaal, Laxman Utekar brings us a new Marathi movie ‘Lalbaghchi Rani’. Recently a trailer of ‘Lalbaughachi Rani’ is launched. Famous actress ‘Veena Jamkar’ playing a lead role for Lalbaughachi Rani. An entertaining life of a peculiar girl missing from her home is a shown in trailer. Initially impressive acting from the movies like ‘Lalbagh Paral’,’Tapal’, ‘Kuthumbh’, ‘Bioscope’ has continued for this movie. In this movie Veena Jamkar playing a role of social child ‘Sandhya Nitin Parulekar’. Sandhya is favorite of all hence given a name ‘Lalbaughachi Rani’.

Cinematographer of Bollywood movies since 16 years, ‘Laxman Utekar’ is a director and co-producer for this movie. Story, screenplay and dialogues by ‘Rohan Ghuge’. Rohit Nagbhide has given music for the movie. Lyrics by Anjusha Chaugule, Swaranjali Bharade, Laxman Utekar and Vaibhav Deshmukh. Devram Jadhav is an editor. Songs are sung by Divya Kumar, Kirti Sangthiya, Vaishali Madhe, Janvi Prabhu Arora. Boni Kapoor presents ‘Laalbaghchi Rani’ produced under the banner ‘Mad entertainment’ by Sunil Manchandra. Bollywood Sound designer ‘Nihar Rajan Samal’ and choreographer ‘Amit Baing’ doing their first Marathi debut. Along with Veena Jamakar, Ashok Shinde, Prathamesh Parab, Partha Bhalerao, Neha Joshi, Nandita Dhuri, Reshma Chaugule, Subrata Dutta, Jayant Wadkar, Pratima Joshi, Suyash Joshi, Jagannath Nivagune doing main roles. Movie is relasing on 03 May 2016 all over Maharashtra.

हि बातमी मराठी मध्ये वाचण्यासाठी येथे क्लिक करा

Laalbaughchi Rani Trailer :