Makarand And Vrunda Again Together For Shasan

Makarand And Vrunda Again Together For Shasan

Makarand And Vrunda Again Together For Shasan

Whenever thinking about strong acting and serious topic movies , Gajendra Ahire comes in mind. With reference to this Gajendra Ahire’s “ Shasan” is releasing on 15 January 2016 in Maharashtra and Goa.

As a part of movie, politics situation in the present taken as a stock. For this movie a well known actor MakarandAnaspure And Actress Vrunda Gajendra Ahire has paired again. Already Vrunda and Makarand pair acted for “Sumbraan”, “Paaradh”.

In the movie Makarand is an IAS officer while Vrunda is a Makarand’s girlfriend and who is acts as a laywer by profession in the movie.

Makarand And Vrunda Again Together For Shasan

The movie is Produced by Shekhar Pathak with Shreya Films PVT Ltd. And great star casts includes  Bharat Jadhav, Siddharth Jadhav, Jitendra Joshi, convinces Naik, Aditi Bhagwat, Brinda Gajendra, Vikram Gokhale, Mohan Joshi, Nagesh Bhosale, Dr. Shriram Lagu, Amay Dhare and Kiran Karmarkar.