Prarthana Behere ~ New Year Resolution

Prarthana Behere

Prarthana Behere ~ Very Lucky In year 2015 and now eagerly waiting for 2016

Prarthana Behere says “A best opportunity and good time is a awesome combination for me in year 2015. Thatswhy my hardwork gets converted in to success and now I am egerly waiting for 2016. Instead of setting new resolution I try to write diary and in that diary I write 10 thing which I have to do this year and by same way I try to achieve that. From that points some gets success and some not thatswhy I come to know that where have to take effort. I per my opinioun a main aim of resolution is same.

2015 year is a lucky year for me because hit movies like “Mitwa”, “Coffee ani Barach Kahi” gives my identity in film industry. Same way I am expecting much more from my upcoming movies “Mr. And Mrs. Sadachari” I hope peoples will like my acting in that.

In addition to this my Birthday is on 5 January which makes my new year special so I m very excited for new year.”