Sai Tamhankar to Celebrate Maharashtra Day in Her Own Unique Way!

Sai Tamhankar to Celebrate Maharashtra Day in Her Own Unique Way!

On this Maharashtra Day, Sai Tamhankar is all set to celebrate it in her unique style. Sai will be celebrating this day, 1st May in a small village near Pune, by taking part in the labor activity with the fellow member of Paani Foundation. Sai is an active member of Paani Foundation, since it has been launched three year’s ago, which is taking continuously affords to diminish water storage all over Maharashtra by aiming to harvest and conserve rain water, by increasing the water storage capacity in villages. This year, keeping her busy schedule aside, Sai will be taking an active part in these activities.

When asked about it, Sai said, “I can confidently tell you that the sweat you get while working in the hot sun during a sunny day, is mixed with the soil and the fragrance that is generated due to this mixer is priceless and no other perfume can match it. It’s just priceless! That’s why, whenever such labor activities are organized by Paani Foundation, it’s my priority to take some time out my schedule for participating in it.”  (Also Read – Sai Tamhankar Goes Wild on The Beginning of New Year !)

Talking about the past experience, she said, “I have visiting Western Maharashtra, from last three years, since Paani Foundation was launched. Once a Sarpanch took a look at me, when I was working with a spade and said, “I have never in my lifetime saw an actress coming to my village and working for us, till date.” This reaction increased my will to work more and more. It also showed me the reality on ground and the importance of saving water.”Further she added, “There is a saying in Marathi – ‘Aandata Sukhi Bhav’. But to making our Aandata (farmers) happy and satisfied, we should start with helping him to harvest and conserve water for him first.” (Also Read This – Saiholics Contributed Towards a Drought Free Maharashtra)