Sushant Shelar Initiative For Kabaddi

Sushant Shelar Kabaddi Matches

Sushant Shelar Initiative For Kabaddi

As we know most of the Bollywood celebrities become a owner of IPL and Pro Kabbadi league. Like that Marathi actor Sushant Shelar has taken initiative for Maharashtra’s favourite play Kabaddi. This is for first time for any actor to take initiative for play.

The father of SushantShelar was a Kabaddi player so Sushant has interest from his childhood for Kabaddi. So in the memory of father he has organized kabaddi matches. On the behalf of ‘Shelar Mama Foundation’ the matches from 16 March 2016 to 20 March 2016 in Girgaon.

Sushant Shelar

“This event is mainly for ‘B’ grade players, because ‘A’  grade players has always get chance to play but not ‘B’ grade. Tournaments are also arranged for ‘A’ grade and ‘Open’ grade, but not for ‘B’ grade players, so these events specialy arranged for them.” said Sushant.

Matches will be held at ‘Shramik Gymkhana, N.M. Joshi Road, Lower Parel, Dilael Road, Mumbai’. These matches will be held in presence of most of the celebrities. This innovative idea will give new direction to the Kabaddi players.

For More Information Contact :

  • Sandesh Mahadik – 9819000880
  • Manish Dalvi – 9821780664/8879535050

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