‘Zindagi Not Out’ A New Serial on Zee Yuva !


A caring mother …a supporting father and a sister who brings happiness even through arguments… when a family shares such a bond they help each other get through difficulties and gives courage to reach skyhigh. There is a will to overcome every crisis of life. When everyone gets together to make a dream of a person in the family come true… that dream too gets a different dimension. This serial will be based on this concept …serial ‘Zindagi Not Out’ will come on Zee Yuva from 7th August to 9th November.

It is said that,once the father’s shoes fits the child’s feet the both of them become friends. When the girl reaches at the threshold of old age, then she becomes her mother’s friend. To bloom friendships in the minds of siblings of the same age. . These small things in family relationships will be experienced in this new serial. The greatest strength of the family is the emotional bond between each other. Whether road to success or failure summit … if you have your family’s back up nothing is difficult. This will be shown in the new serial of Zee Yuva ‘Zindagi Not out’.

Zindagi Not Out Actor Pics

Sachin Desai, 21 years old, has love for cricket and how his family supports him for fulfilling his dream will be seen in this serial. Seeing the difficulties encountered in Sachin’s dream and how the entire family helps him tackle and faces them, you will unknowingly look at your family in a different way. This serial has Shailesh Datar, Vandana vakanis, Tejas barve, gyanda ramatirthakar, Neha Ashtaputre ,Sayali Jhurale, tejasri Walavalkar, Swapnil Fadake, Ujwala Jog, Prasanna ketkar, Siddhirupa karmarkar, Atharva Nakati, Rahul Mehendale and Aadhish Vaidya.

Zee Talkies and Zee yuva’s Business Head Bhavesh Janavalekar said, “This serial is for everyone, those who dared to dream to see the sun by placing self-belief, and also to all those who contribute to bring them to the goals. When a person dares to dream in the family, everybody in the house should carry it, support it. When everyone in the family makes that dream their dream; when this happens it does not take long to complete the dream and we are sure that every family will feel this while watching the serial “Zindagi Not Out”.

“Zindagi Not Out” serial produced by Mahesh Tagade, Jitendra Gupta’s Tell A Tale media has created this organization. Emerging from Jitendra Gupta, Kiran Kulkarni, Pallavi Karakera’s writing “Zindagi not out” serial will be loved by all.

Zindagi Not Out Serial Photos –