Muhurat of Vijay Tendulkar’s Play Based Movie “Jhala Anant Hanumant”,

Muhurat of Vijay Tendulkar's Play Based Movie "Jhala Anant Hanumant",

There was an integral part of experimental sense. Tendulkar was well written by rejecting the ideology of a particular philosophy and ideology. He has written ‘Shantata Court Chalu Aahe’, ‘Sakharam Bainder’, ‘Ghasiram Kotwal’, ‘Manus Navache Bet’, ‘Madhli Bhinta’, ‘Sari Ga Sari’, ‘Ek Hatti Mulgi’, ‘Ashi Pakhare Yeti’, ‘Gidhade’ ‘,’Chinna ‘etc., dramatized and staged controversy with social indicators and dramatists. Produced by Girish Wankhede, one of his most influential plays, ‘Jhala Anant Hanumant’, he is making a film whose opening recently took place in Kolhapur in the presence of a number of celebrities and film actors and filmmakers from the Marathi film industry.

The story gets an unusual achievement of a common man. Fed up with due to poverty his small family, still a loving wife, a sick child, and a little expectant child from his father such is his small family. In the same way, the thirsty dream of thirteenth month in the famine, the dream of instant gratification. There is something happening in the story about superstition that is a shocker for all.

Muhurat Zala Anant Hanumant

There is always discussion on faith and superstitions. In the last few years, people who have tried to eradicate the superstition have also suffered severe attacks from some of the people who believe in it. Tendulkar has shed light on the drama ‘Zala Anant Hanumant’ in his bizarre and unkempt style. Producer Girish Wankhede has made a bold decision to make a film on this play for the purpose of honoring this artwork that came from his talented stylus.

Like the drama, the movie is a satirical dark-comedy. Film will be commenting on the relationship between family and society , under the banner of Entity One Pictures, Girish Wankhede produces Jhala Anant Hanumant. Though its his first movie , he has experience of the industry and it’s works. On the story of Vijay Tendulkar, Anupam Hanumant’s book written by Munnawar Bhagat and he will do the same direction. The movie ‘Nivaddhung’ made for Hridaynath Mangeshkar earlier had a good response to the critics and the audience. Nandu Madhav, Mangesh Desai, Sia Patil, Shanta Tambe, Pooja Pawar, Sonakshi Morea will be playing lead role in the film.