Star Pravah’s New Serial From 18 March ‘Molkarin Bai’

Star Pravah's New Serial From 18 March 'Molkarin Bai'

We often hear housewives say that their entire daily work schedule has been hampered because their daily help lady has not come and their going to work in their offices has been stranded as they feel it is because of only their house help that they can concentrate on their work in offices. The maids who work because of their necessities like food, clothing and shelter are the most important cog in the wheels for ladies who go out to work. Whose presence make their lives comfortable and their absence can disturb the working women’s daily lives. Sometimes she is a sister and sometimes an aunt and sometimes she is just a cleaning lady.  And though she does not belong to a family she is an important component of the family. And just to tell this story of the house help comes the daily show ‘Molkarin Bai’ on STAR PRAVAH which starts on 18 March at 6.30 pm.

The tender relationship between the house help and the lady of the house is narrated in this show.  This show depicts the struggle and hardships these maids go through but they always have a positive outlook towards life which is the message they give through this show. We can experience some of the real life experiences we have gone through in the show.. Star Pravah CEO Satish Rajwade while speaking about the show says, “  We are handling a very difficult subject in the show of a maid servant. The maid servant is an important component of our lives. And that’s why we term them as support systems. And we take a look at their lives closely in the show. This show is a tribute to all those hardworking house helps who overcome all obstacles and smilingly do all their work precisely.

The starcast includes Bhargavi Chirmule, Sarika Nilatkar, Usha Nadkarni, Supriya Pathare, Ashwini Kasar and Gayatri Soham. The STAR PRAVAH channel has always presented shows which are different and will appeal hugely to the viewers and take them to another world. Don’t forget to catch this show which starts on 18 March at 6.30 pm.

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