These M-Town Celebrities Are The Captains for Mahalagori Sport Event


M-Town celebrities are the captains for Mahalagori Sport Event

Lagori, a sport which is not only a traditional sports of Maharashtra but it is also played all across the nation without any restrictions. Today’s techno savvy generation has forgotten and missed the fun of playing outdoor games. Therefore Mahalagori Sport event will revive this game and thrive the excitement among the youth. The motto of Mahalagori is to conserve the forts in Maharashtra. Forts are considered to be scintillation and precious assets of Maharashtra but they are diminishing because we are neglecting them. And hence the award money received by the winning team of Mahalagori event will be given to the NGO’s working for the conservation of these forts. This will help the NGO’ for working towards keeping the forts clean and manage it well. This way the heritage of Maharashtra will be enriched. Mahalagori sport event organized by Asian Entertainmenthas not just glamourized this sport but has also created enthusiasm among the Marathi Film industry. As we all know that many Marathi television, theatre and film celebrities are going to be a part of Mahalagori but recently they have also designated the captains of the all the particular teams.

The teams of Mahalagori are named by the names of forts in Maharashtra and the following M-town celebrities are going to be the captains of the particular teams given below:

  • Rangada Raygad – Sushant Shelar
  • Sarkhel Sindhudurga – Sanjay Narvekar
  • Abhedya Akluj – Smita Gondkar
  • Pavan Panhala – Vijay Patkar
  • Sardar Shivneri – Abhijeet Panse
  • Zunjaar Rajgad – Siddharth Jadhav
  • Buland Pratapgad – Hemangi Kavi

Remarkable matches of Mahalagori between these teams will be held at Aklujat the end of September month 2016 and will be aired on Zee Talkies channel.

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