Star Pravah launches initiative #BeWaterWise for Maharashtra

Star Pravah launches initiative #BeWaterWise for Maharashtra

Star Pravah launches initiative #BeWaterWise for Maharashtra

~ Star Pravah campaigns for water management ~

One of the biggest challenges Maharashtra is facing today is drought.  More than 28,000 villages across Maharashtra are grappling with worst ever drought situation. Aided by in-depth research, Star Pravah has identified that in Maharashtra water availability is not as huge problem as water management. Of late, several measures have been taken at various levels to address the water crisis.

As a strong medium of propagation and a responsible corporate, StarPravah gives Maharashtra a voice through a very evocative public awareness message delivered in ‘Maharashtra Desha’ song. Available exclusively on hotstar, StarPravah & Star Pravah HD, this song sensitizes people to be judicious about water usage, even when the monsoons are around the corner.

StarPravah has created platform #BeWaterWise to galvanize people to share their stories on how they have individually contributed in their own ways towards using water sensibly.#BeWaterWiseseeks to raise consciousness about water management, so that Maharashtra is better prepared for future.

Popular StarPravah characters and Star Pravah Ratnas will also share their own experiences on how they use water sensibly and urge Maharashtrians to follow suit. The ‘Maharashtra Desha’ song initially depicts current state of affairs in the state and later inspires the people to make Maharashtra rich with hurrying streams and bright with orchard gleams as envisaged in the National song Vande Mataram.