‘Balpan Dega Deva’ Colors Marathi’s New Serial From 5th June

Balpan Dega Deva' Colors Marathi's New Serial From 5th June

In the village of innocence… Faith’s new role.. based on this concept is a new upcoming serial ‘Balpan Dega Deva’ on Colours Marathi from 5th June Monday to Saturday at 9pm.

A Seventh Sense Media Production and written by  Ganesh Pandit ‘Balpan Dega Deva’ is a very unique concept and it will create a connection with its audience there’s no doubt in that. In this serial the relationship between a grandfather and grandson and the sensitive complications that prevail in the society beyond it will be discussed and put forth in a very different way.

Because of his crisp dialogues, ability to talk with eyes and the acting that ties it all together such is a well known actor Vikram Gokhale who will be seen on a small screen again with this serial. In this serial he is playing the role of Anna where as Maithili Patwardhan a talented child artist will be playing the role of his grand daughter that is Anandi Kulkarni. Apart from them Milind Shinde, Bhagyashree Rane too will be playing major roles in the serial.

If we have blind faith it gives us strength. Man can fight many problems in his life by having faith.  He can walk on the toughest paths and cross bridges easily. But what if this faith is misused for selfish needs and is masked under the name of blind faith and a man is trapped in a god’s idol…. ‘Balpan Dega Deva‘ through this serial along with entertainment , faith, belief and innocence of childhood is all put together and a new message is being tried to put forth.

In this serial we’ll be able to see the soft emotional bond between a grandfather and grand daughter. This story is of innocent yet smart, cautious, circumspect and grandfather’s pet little girl Anandi who loves her grandfather a lot and because of her grandfather she has received a capable responsibly of carrying forward her grandfather’s values. Anna that’s Keshav Kulkarni likes discipline and he has taken care of his grand daughter as if she’s a delicate flower. Anna has only one dream, he wants to see Anandi become a doctor. Will Anna’s this dream be fulfilled? Which obstacles will arise in Anjali’s and Anna’s ways? How does Anna make way through these will be very entertaining to watch.

This serials lead producer , World Wide Entertainment , Viacom -18’s Ravish Kumar said that , ” Colours Marathi has always showed serials which creates a connection between the entire family. All the shows are family friendly and the entire family can enjoy them together”. In ‘Balpan Dega Deva‘ serial too innocence of a little girl , baseless traditions and blind faith which have been prevailing in our society from many years have been shown and a beautiful relationship shared between grandfather and grand daughter will be seen. In the serial, in the grandfather’s role a talented actor Vikram Gokhale has been casted. We hope that everyone loves this serial.

While talking about this serial, talented actor Vikram Gokhale says, ” In ‘Balpan Dega Deva’ serial the bond between the grandfather and grand daughter is as delicate as cream on milk. He believes that his grand daughter is smarter than other kids of her age, she’s always curious about the knowing the reason behind everything and he is very proud of her. He believes that it’s his responsibility to keep her away from all the blind faith. He doesn’t just hide things under the name of religion or he doesn’t hold back while answering her questions, rather he tries to find an easy way to answer all her questions in a way that she will comprehend. The grandfather is from a medical background, hence seeing his grand daughter learn slowly slowly gives him immense pleasure and makes him feel proud. ”