Gajendra Ahire’s Upcoming Marathi Venture – Sohala.

Gajendra Ahire’s Upcoming Marathi Venture – Sohala.

Gajendra Ahire’s Upcoming Marathi Venture – Sohala.

Sohaala is a upcoming film of Gajendra Ahire, under the banner of Arihant Films Production . The final schedule of the film was recently shot in the Chris Villa located in Ireland. Produced by Sohan Bokadiya and Suresh Gunde, Presented by K.C. Bokadiya, the film is directed by Gajendra Ahire. The last schedule was of party song, tuned by Narendra Bhide, choreographed by Phulwa Khamkar with the led Sachin Pilgoankar and Shilpa Tulskar with Astha Khamkar ,Lokesh Gupte and other dancers.

Sachin Pilgaonkar and Shilpa Tulaskar

Director Ganjendra Ahire said, “The story is a family story with completely new angle to it. The story resembles to the day-to-days micro-families and the change that occurred in families as well as on the relationship due to it. A true attempt is made to showcase the changes in relationships in this modern era. Sachin and Shilpa are the leads in the film with Vikram Gokhale, Lokesh Gupte, Mohan Joshi and other with their part to play.

Sohala Marathi Movie Team

After the shoots of song ‘Zindagi Hi Gol Gol Ahe’, Sachin spoke, “This is the last day of this schedule. Speaking about the film, the story is hidden in its title itself. The film is a complete celebration of all the relations. Earlier there were joint families, which went on to reduce with generations to micro-families like today’s. Similarly the relationship has changed. Each and every one will be connected to one or another character from the film for sure.”

Actress Shilpa said, “During the shoot, I and Sachin knew exactly what Ganjendra wanted from us. Thus a strong tuning between us was developed which has taken the film to another level. Everything has come out exactly the way we wanted to be.  The film is family based drama with everyone to celebrate…in other words it truly a celebration of bonding of old and new.”