Mulshi Pattern Gets a Bumper Opening of 6 Crores in Just 4 Days !

Mulshi Pattern Gets a Bumper Opening of 6 Crores in Just 4 Days !

The Pravin Vitthal  Tarde written and directed film ‘Mulshi Pattern’ has received  a bumper opening at the box-office. The film which opened on 23 November in four days. I.E, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday collected a whopping six crores at the box office.In a fictional story which highlighted a burning issue, the film got good collections in multiplexes as well as Single screens . In multiplexes it got the first show at 8.30 am and the last show at 11.50 pm. It has gt the maximum response in the interiors of Maharashtra and the maximum collections have been in Pune and other districts. In Western Maharashtra, Vidharbha, and Marathwada, and other villages close by the audiences came in jeeps and other vehicles to see the film. In the metros and big towns the ticket rates in multiplexes have increased from Rs.50 to Rs.600 and in-spite of that the public is coming to the theatres to view the film. And also there is a repeat audience which is viewing the film 2 or 3 times and more. The film which has a good story, good presentation, good performances, and good picturisation is being applauded by the audiences. (Also Read – Mulshi Pattern Marathi Movie Review Star Rating)

Pravin Tarde says, “ the huge response to the film is because the story is rooted in the soil of Maharashtra and I was confident that the audiences will like my film.The audience is coming out with a very heavy heart after seeing the film and that is the reason for the success of my film. The Marathi audiences have given huge response to three films recently and two out of them were big studio films and comparatively my film was small but inspite of that the audiences gave their love for the film and I am thankful to the audience for their huge response”.