First Stop of Love Journey, “Bhetli Tu Punha” Teaser Out!


Far far away, in a high tower, a princess is fighting against mean people for her life and I will rescue her or the dream that a prince will come on a horse to rescue her and take her away on his horse ; we all dream about such fairy tales. In today’s practical world, it seems like a fairy-tale dream, then both of those who are completely submerged in each other’s eyes in a yellow mustard flowers field, everyone sees such ‘Bollywood’ dreams. Everyone has a dream about the to be spouse, and this is also sure that we believe that the person in your dream will love you in the first meeting.

Bhetli Tu Punha‘ hero, Alok too has some similar dreams about his partner. But the journey of life is somewhat uncertain. We are seeing an unexpected turn in the life of Alok from the teaser of the recently released film.

The movie which talks about lovestory in second meet, Directed by Chandrakant Kanase, Swaroop Recreation and Media Pvt. Ltd Presented by Sachin Narakar, Vikas Pawar, the film ‘Bhetli Tu Punha’ will be seen by Vaibhav Tatvavadi and Pooja Sawant on the 28th of July.