..And Hence Hansraj Jagtap Has Hugs For 15 Times !

..And Hence Hansraj Jagtap Has Hugs For 15 Times !

Hansraj Jagtap had received Special Motion National Award in 2014 for ‘Dhag’, a Marathi cinema. Now this Hansraj will be coming in front of you via the movie Itemgiri. There are many definitions of love. Everyone has different views and opinions. Everyone has different ways to express their love. The director Pradeep Tonge , Mangesh Shendge have tried to put light on teenage love.

Hansraj says about his role that, in Itemgiri cinema I have played the role of a hero for the first time. I’m feeling very good. I’m having fun. In the movie I’m playing the role of a middle class boy. He wants true love. He knows both sides of love hence he is very serious. Seeing such romantic work is easy.. but when it’s the time to enact it… It’s very difficult.

In itemgiri I had such a scene with Dhanashree Meshram. We meet in the temple and a romantic song plays. In which I hold her hand and pull her close and hug her. The shooting of this scene started at 7am. There was beautiful sunrise in the temple. The sunrays looked beautiful. We had to come in one frame together and I had to hug her… That was the scene. But a lot of time passed and I wasn’t being able to get the scene right. Because I had never hugged a girl before. That’s why the scene wasn’t as the director wanted it to be. To get me in the feel they played the song too. But I couldn’t hug her the way they wanted me to. The director finally enacted the scene and after several tries on the 15th retake I got the right hug.

In Itemgiri cinema Rajeshwari Kharat, Milind Shinde, Chayya kadam such stars have been casted along with me in lead. Itemgiri cinema will be coming in theatres from 9th June