Aamir Khan Eager to Watch V Shantaram’s Restored Pinjra


Aamir Khan Eager to Watch V Shantaram’s Restored Pinjra

The Maharashtra’s favorite movie ‘Pinjara’ has been released again with new look. It is released all over Maharashtra on 18 March. Mr Perfectionist Bollywood Actor Amir Khan recently has made wish to see Pinjara by making a tweet. ”We don’t often get to see films of one of our great film makers in the theatre ! I’m definitely going for it! Don’t miss it !” twitted Amir.

V  Shantaram's Pinjara Marathi Movie Amir Khan Wish

Chandrasena Patil and Purushottam Ladda’s Pushpak Priyadarshani Films presents, ‘Pinjara’ was released from 18 March and audiences giving positive response to it.