*Exclusive* Sanjay Khapre Says – Tries to Give Justice to The Responsibility

Sanjay Khapre Actor

*Exclusive* Sanjay Khapre Says – Tries to Give Justice to The Responsibility

In Marathi cinema, We have seen many actors in many roles. Actor Sanjay Khapre is one of a rare actors who has carved a niche about himself in the industry. MegaMarathi had a candid chat with him, his life and about projects.

How did you get into film industry?

– In my college days I used to do one act plays , so I developed a liking for acting. Because of one of my friend, Santosh Pawar , I got entry on commercial stage. Because of him I am here. He has became a director now.

I have done ‘Mahesh Manjrekar’s – ‘Pran Jaye Par Shaan Na Jaye’  debut Hindi movie. Lateron done various Marathi movies like –

  • Talav (2017)
  • Kaksparsha
  • Gadhvacha Lagna
  • Lay Bhari
  • Murder Mestri

Most challenging role you’ve played?

– The negative role from ‘ Fakta Ladh Mhana’ , because it’s the exact opposite of my personality.


How do you feel when you’re the villein in a movie? What do you prefer, hero or villein?

– I’m a very playful, jolly, fun loving person. I don’t like giving a hard time to anyone. But, I do try to give justice to the responsibility laid on me by the director.


What’s your role in ‘Talav’ movie?

– I am playing the role of a villein , a bad man, whom the entire village fears,  and the person who’s the first in any bad deed.


Why should one watch ‘Talav’ in your opinion?

– The director as well as the producer are new to this. Therefore appreciating new ideas and work efforts is important. Same way standing up for them is equally important.

If you are puzzled why is this movie named ‘Talav’ then you must go to your nearest movie theaters to watch this movie and find out on the 10th of March.


What is your Upcoming ventures ??

– Tajmaal is an upcoming marathi movie which has been written by me. The shooting will start from 15th of April 2017. In that movie I’m playing a positive role and I’m playing the role of a dad to a small kid


MegaMarathi team wishes grand success to Movie Talav and actor Sanjay Khapre.