Colors Marathi Celebrities New Year Resolutions !

Colors Marathi Celebrities New Year Resolutions !

Colors Marathi Celebrities New Year Resolutions !

As we are in the last week of this year, each of us is excited to enter New Year with new enthusiasm and new resolutions that we will make. We all welcome New Year with an enthusiasm and counting memories that we have collected throughout this year. We start planning of do’s and don’ts to been done in coming New Year. Here are some of the memories of 2017 and some Resolutions of the celebrities from Colors Marathi’s Ghadge and Suun, Saraswati and Radha Prem Rangi Rangali serials.

Ghadge and Suun: (Atisha Naik , Bhagyashree Limaye and Chinmay Udgirkar)

Amruta Ghadge (Bhagyashree Limaye)

Bhagyashree Limaye


2017: This year was very important to me because my childhood dream of becoming an actor came true. But this journey was not that easy, as I get depressed easily if I fail in something. Thus my resolution for 2017 was to get rid of this habit and give my honest and best shot in everything so as to get successful.

I gave many auditions, got selected, but sometimes success when past me. Without getting depress due to these failures, I gave my audience with even more enthusiasm. And finally I got selected in “Ghadge and Suun’ for the character Amruta Ghadge thus I achieved my goal of 2017.Bhagyashri Limaye

2018 in this coming year, I have decided to give special attention towards my voice and my singing. For that I will have to practice singing on daily basis.

Akshay Ghadge (Chinmay Udgirkar)

Chinmay Udgirkar


2017: To talk about 2017, this year I came to meet audience in a new character, in a new serial that is as Akshay Ghadge in “Ghadge and Suun”. The love of audience that I got through this character, is the dream of each and every performer. And for me this means a lot. To get this serial and this role was very important and special moment in 2017

2018: I do resolutions every year, but this year I came to know that make resolutions that you can follow or else they are of no use. So I have decided to be a better human than what I am today.

Saraswati (Titeeksha Tawde as Saraswati and Aastad Kale)

Saraswati (Titeeksha Tawde)

Titiksha Tawade 2

2017: this year has given me a lot of positivity and energy. This year, I got a chance to play characters of Durga and Saraswati in the same serial. Both the role were much different as compared to each other. Every actor dreams to experiment with new and challenging role. This year has given me this chance to experiment with this roles.

2018:I have decided to keep on working my acting, keeping all the negativity out of mind. Hope this year too, audience will keep n loving me as Saraswati.

Radha Prem Rangi Rangli (Perm Deshmukh )

Perm Deshmukh (Sachit Patil)

Sachit Patil

2017: Year 2017 was very important to me, as I was back on small screen after a long wait of 13 years. That’s satisfying. I am playing a character of Perm Deshmukh. This character is much different than all the characters that I have played on big screen and that was very challenging for me. Hope audience will bless me with love in this character as they have shown love for all my character which I played on big screen.

2018:I have never made any resolution as such, but always try to do something good every year. That something can be a simple act like keeping my surrounding clean. I myself follow it and everyone should follow it as it’s our duty towards society as a citizen. Even following traffic rules, should be done by everyone. Second resolution is to give time to my family.

Madhuri Deshmukh (Kavita Lad)

Kavita Lad

2017: Now it’s almost two and a half year after which I am back to meet audience in Radha Prem Rangi Rangli. I am happy about it. My character as Madhuri Deshmukh is little different and challenging as she (Madhuri) has many shades in her character and I am grateful that I got this character to play

2018: I think, why we all should wait for New Year to make any resolutions.