Yo Yo’s Thunderous Performance

yo yo

Yo Yo’s Thunderous Performance!

Honey Singh shoots at Ushaka aquarium in Durban for his debut film Zoravar. Honey Singh’s debut film Zorawar, as an actor has been shot at unique places like no films have shot before and one of them is Ushaka aquarium in Durban. It’s a first movie to be shot inside Ushaka aquarium. The makers pulled out all strings to shoot the movie at the place as the crew had only two hours to shoot at the venue. A unit hand informs shooting at Ushaka aquarium was an experience to remember as Honey Singh was running late as he had some prior commitment. “The night the shoot happened weather changed and there were thunderstorm and lightning and winds blowing at almost 80 km/hr. Honey arrived just 45 minutes before and finished the shot in one take!,” a unit hand said.Well, it will be interesting to see Ushaka in Zoravar!